Your international information platform for transport of – and trucking on hydrogen.

General info

General info

Although hydrogen is abundant in the universe, it is not usually found in pure form on Earth..

Gas stations

Gas stations

The risk of fire and explosion is greater during loading and unloading operations..

Trucking on Hydrogen

Trucking on Hydrogen

It is important that the driver of the tanker is trained for the hydrogen transport process..

Producers of trucks

Producers of trucks

There are a number of (big) brands that are working on the development of Hydrogen trucks..

Transport of Hydrogen

Transport of Hydrogen

Inadequate maintenance of installations and equipment can lead to hydrogen leakage..

Other equipment

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Safety and Hydrogen

Safety and Hydrogen

Hydrogen is colorless and odorless. The hydrogen flame can become extremely hot..




{:en}梅赛德斯-奔驰GenH2卡车通过使用先进的氢燃料电池技术,为可持续交通世界带来了重大进步。这辆卡车最近完成了从沃尔特到柏林的惊人1,047公里旅程。这一成就不仅展示了氢燃料电池在重型运输中的实用性,而且还标志着向更可持续、更环保的卡车运输业迈出了关键一步。 在重新定义可持续长途运输界限的征程中,GenH2卡车开启了一次被恰当命名为“氢纪录跑”的重要旅程。这次跑完1,047公里的距离,仅用一箱氢燃料,这不仅证明了氢作为一种替代传统化石燃料的可行性,而且也清楚地表明了氢燃料电池技术的进步及其在现实世界中的适用性。...